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ERDDAP > info > sensor_mixed_3_archive

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     data   graph     RV Sikuliaq : SENSOR_MIXED_3_ARCHIVE    ?            M   background (external link) RSS Subscribe
Oregon State Univ...  ?

The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Other
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String Oregon State University
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String Oregon State University
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String atmosphere, data, observations, ocean, vessel
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended
for legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data
Contributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any
of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or
implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness, of this information.
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (source database)
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String RCRV CORIOLIX
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String RV Sikuliaq : SENSOR_MIXED_3_ARCHIVE
variable time_raw   double  
attribute time_raw ioos_category String Time
attribute time_raw long_name String Time Raw
attribute time_raw time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time_raw units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable time   double  
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time axis String T
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Time
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable sensor_id   String  
attribute sensor_id ioos_category String Identifier
attribute sensor_id standard_name String xxxxxx
attribute sensor_id units String none
variable p11   int  
attribute p11 ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute p11 sensor_description String Pyrgeometer SGR4_0132 : Kipp and Zonen (OTT Hydromet) Kipp and Zonen SGR4 pyrgeometer 210132 : Above SCR
attribute p11 standard_name String statflir
variable f11   String  
attribute f11 flag_notes String Flags of value 0: the QC test was not applicable. Flags of value 1: passed the QC test. Flags of value 2: quality was not evaluated or is unknown. Flags of value 3: quality is questionable/suspect or data are of high interest. Flags of value 4: failed the QC test. Flags of value 9: data are missing.
attribute f11 flag_order String 0:Gap Test, 1:Syntax Test, 2:Gross Range Test, 3:Global Range Test, 4:Local Range Test, 5:Sensor Status Test, 6:Pump On Flag, 7:Port Status Test, 8:Filter Blank Flag, 9:Derived Data Time Check, 10:Unused, 11:Unused, 12:Unused, 13:Unused, 14:Unused, 15:Unused, 16:Unused, 17:Unused, 18:Unused, 19:Unused, 20:Unused, 21:Unused, 22:Unused, 23:Unused, 24:Unused, 25:Unused, 26:Unused, 27:Unused, 28:Unused, 29:Unused,
attribute f11 ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute f11 standard_name String statflir_status_flag
attribute f11 units String none
variable p12   int  
attribute p12 ioos_category String Other
attribute p12 sensor_description String Pyrgeometer SGR4_0133 : Kipp and Zonen (OTT Hydromet) Kipp and Zonen SGR4 pyrgeometer 210133 : Not Applicable
attribute p12 standard_name String statflir
variable f12   String  
attribute f12 flag_notes String Flags of value 0: the QC test was not applicable. Flags of value 1: passed the QC test. Flags of value 2: quality was not evaluated or is unknown. Flags of value 3: quality is questionable/suspect or data are of high interest. Flags of value 4: failed the QC test. Flags of value 9: data are missing.
attribute f12 flag_order String 0:Gap Test, 1:Syntax Test, 2:Gross Range Test, 3:Global Range Test, 4:Local Range Test, 5:Sensor Status Test, 6:Pump On Flag, 7:Port Status Test, 8:Filter Blank Flag, 9:Derived Data Time Check, 10:Unused, 11:Unused, 12:Unused, 13:Unused, 14:Unused, 15:Unused, 16:Unused, 17:Unused, 18:Unused, 19:Unused, 20:Unused, 21:Unused, 22:Unused, 23:Unused, 24:Unused, 25:Unused, 26:Unused, 27:Unused, 28:Unused, 29:Unused,
attribute f12 ioos_category String Other
attribute f12 standard_name String statflir_status_flag
attribute f12 units String none
variable p3   float  
attribute p3 ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute p3 sensor_description String Pyrgeometer SGR4_0132 : Kipp and Zonen (OTT Hydromet) Kipp and Zonen SGR4 pyrgeometer 210132 : Above SCR
attribute p3 standard_name String ctmpzz02
attribute p3 units String degrees_C
variable f3   String  
attribute f3 flag_notes String Flags of value 0: the QC test was not applicable. Flags of value 1: passed the QC test. Flags of value 2: quality was not evaluated or is unknown. Flags of value 3: quality is questionable/suspect or data are of high interest. Flags of value 4: failed the QC test. Flags of value 9: data are missing.
attribute f3 flag_order String 0:Gap Test, 1:Syntax Test, 2:Gross Range Test, 3:Global Range Test, 4:Local Range Test, 5:Sensor Status Test, 6:Pump On Flag, 7:Port Status Test, 8:Filter Blank Flag, 9:Derived Data Time Check, 10:Unused, 11:Unused, 12:Unused, 13:Unused, 14:Unused, 15:Unused, 16:Unused, 17:Unused, 18:Unused, 19:Unused, 20:Unused, 21:Unused, 22:Unused, 23:Unused, 24:Unused, 25:Unused, 26:Unused, 27:Unused, 28:Unused, 29:Unused,
attribute f3 ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute f3 standard_name String ctmpzz02_status_flag
attribute f3 units String none
variable p4   float  
attribute p4 ioos_category String Other
attribute p4 sensor_description String Pyrgeometer SGR4_0132 : Kipp and Zonen (OTT Hydromet) Kipp and Zonen SGR4 pyrgeometer 210132 : Above SCR
attribute p4 standard_name String voltelec
attribute p4 units String V
variable f4   String  
attribute f4 flag_notes String Flags of value 0: the QC test was not applicable. Flags of value 1: passed the QC test. Flags of value 2: quality was not evaluated or is unknown. Flags of value 3: quality is questionable/suspect or data are of high interest. Flags of value 4: failed the QC test. Flags of value 9: data are missing.
attribute f4 flag_order String 0:Gap Test, 1:Syntax Test, 2:Gross Range Test, 3:Global Range Test, 4:Local Range Test, 5:Sensor Status Test, 6:Pump On Flag, 7:Port Status Test, 8:Filter Blank Flag, 9:Derived Data Time Check, 10:Unused, 11:Unused, 12:Unused, 13:Unused, 14:Unused, 15:Unused, 16:Unused, 17:Unused, 18:Unused, 19:Unused, 20:Unused, 21:Unused, 22:Unused, 23:Unused, 24:Unused, 25:Unused, 26:Unused, 27:Unused, 28:Unused, 29:Unused,
attribute f4 ioos_category String Other
attribute f4 standard_name String voltelec_status_flag
attribute f4 units String none
variable p5   float  
attribute p5 ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute p5 sensor_description String Pyrgeometer SGR4_0133 : Kipp and Zonen (OTT Hydromet) Kipp and Zonen SGR4 pyrgeometer 210133 : Not Applicable
attribute p5 standard_name String xxxxxx
attribute p5 units String W/m2
variable f5   String  
attribute f5 flag_notes String Flags of value 0: the QC test was not applicable. Flags of value 1: passed the QC test. Flags of value 2: quality was not evaluated or is unknown. Flags of value 3: quality is questionable/suspect or data are of high interest. Flags of value 4: failed the QC test. Flags of value 9: data are missing.
attribute f5 flag_order String 0:Gap Test, 1:Syntax Test, 2:Gross Range Test, 3:Global Range Test, 4:Local Range Test, 5:Sensor Status Test, 6:Pump On Flag, 7:Port Status Test, 8:Filter Blank Flag, 9:Derived Data Time Check, 10:Unused, 11:Unused, 12:Unused, 13:Unused, 14:Unused, 15:Unused, 16:Unused, 17:Unused, 18:Unused, 19:Unused, 20:Unused, 21:Unused, 22:Unused, 23:Unused, 24:Unused, 25:Unused, 26:Unused, 27:Unused, 28:Unused, 29:Unused,
attribute f5 ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute f5 standard_name String xxxxxx_status_flag
attribute f5 units String none
variable p6   float  
attribute p6 ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute p6 sensor_description String Pyrgeometer SGR4_0133 : Kipp and Zonen (OTT Hydromet) Kipp and Zonen SGR4 pyrgeometer 210133 : Not Applicable
attribute p6 standard_name String xxxxxx
attribute p6 units String W/m2
variable f6   String  
attribute f6 flag_notes String Flags of value 0: the QC test was not applicable. Flags of value 1: passed the QC test. Flags of value 2: quality was not evaluated or is unknown. Flags of value 3: quality is questionable/suspect or data are of high interest. Flags of value 4: failed the QC test. Flags of value 9: data are missing.
attribute f6 flag_order String 0:Gap Test, 1:Syntax Test, 2:Gross Range Test, 3:Global Range Test, 4:Local Range Test, 5:Sensor Status Test, 6:Pump On Flag, 7:Port Status Test, 8:Filter Blank Flag, 9:Derived Data Time Check, 10:Unused, 11:Unused, 12:Unused, 13:Unused, 14:Unused, 15:Unused, 16:Unused, 17:Unused, 18:Unused, 19:Unused, 20:Unused, 21:Unused, 22:Unused, 23:Unused, 24:Unused, 25:Unused, 26:Unused, 27:Unused, 28:Unused, 29:Unused,
attribute f6 ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute f6 standard_name String xxxxxx_status_flag
attribute f6 units String none

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

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