CTD SonTek CastAway_CC2235009


VendorNot Applicable
ID Prefix
CORIOLIX IDctdcas235009
LocationTech Stores
Native Sample RateNone Hz
UDP Port(s)None None

General Description

The CastAway-CTD is a small, rugged, and technically advanced CTD designed for profiling to depths of up to 100m. The system incorporates modern technical features which allow it to achieve a 5 Hz response time, fine spatial resolution, and high accuracy. It uses a six electrode flow-through conductivity cell with zero external fields and a rapid response thermistor to attain high measurement accuracy. The instrument is simple to deploy, does not require a pump, and is hydrodynamically designed to free a fall rate of 1 m/s.


Data Collection Specs

Native Data Feed
Signal Type Analog
Communication Type
Serial Details
Baud Rate
Stop Bits
Byte Size
Timeout (s) None
Polled Serial Commands
Ethernet Details
MAC Address
IP Address
Source File Details
Native Data Format
Native Data Description
Native Data Type
Start of Message Characters
End of Message Characters
Sample Data Message
Message Parser Format
Data Processing
Data Processing Script
Data Rates
Native Sample Rate None Hz
Shipboard Network Packet Rate None Hz
Ship to Shore Rate None Hz
Data Storage & Access
Raw Data Ethernet Distribution
IP Address
Port None
Packet Size None
Transformed Data Ethernet Distribution
IP Address
Port None
Archive to Database False
Transmit Real-time Data to Shore False
Time Source


Plot Color
Parameter Full Name
Parameter Short Name
Parameter Standard Name
SAMOS Data Category
Processing Status
Processing Symbol
IOOS Category
Data Type
Gross Minimum Value
Gross Maximum Value
Recommended Minimum Value
Recommended Maximum Value
Global Minimum Value
Global Maximum Value
Local Minimum Value
Local Maximum Value
Lower Detection Limit
Saturated Value
Bad Data Value
Binning Type
Online Display Format
Logging Modes

Physical Sensor Specs

Operating Limits
Input Power 2.9 - 2.9 V DC
Ideal Power None V DC
Operating Current None - None mA @ None V DC
Analog Output None - None
Operating Flow Rate None - None ml s-1
Ideal Flow Rate None ml s-1
Operating Depth 0 - 100 m
Operating Temperature -5 - 45 degree_C
Lamp Life None days
Response Time None seconds
Additional Time Offset None seconds
Physical Status
Current Location on vessel
Current Status not in use
Physical Condition excellent
Physical Configuration
Software Version
Software Configuration
Data Acquisition Device ID
Data Acquisition Device Serial Port
Data Acquisition Device Analog/Digital Port(s)
Data Acquisition Device Modbus Unit None
Sensor Use Level
Enabled False
Vessel Installation Location
Vessel Sikuliaq
Vessel Location Tech Stores
Location Coordinates (meters)
Sensor Orientation
Height Above Waterline (meters) None
Zero Line Reference (degrees from bow) None
Receives Filtered Water False

Maintenance & Support

Sensor Log

    Date (UTC)     Submitter     Event Type     Details        
Dec 18 2023 06:41:52     Naber, Daniel     sensor specs update     cal_recommended_freq_months changed from [None] to [24]    
Dec 18 2023 06:41:52     Naber, Daniel     sensor specs update     maintenance_C_freq_days changed from [None] to [730]    
Dec 18 2023 06:41:52     Naber, Daniel     sensor specs update     maintenance_C_text changed from [] to [Compare w/ FastCat 2 years from Cal date.]    
Dec 18 2023 06:41:52     Naber, Daniel     sensor specs update     maintenance_B_freq_days changed from [None] to [545]    
Dec 18 2023 06:41:52     Naber, Daniel     sensor specs update     maintenance_B_text changed from [] to [Compare w/ FastCat 1.5 years from Cal date.]    
Dec 18 2023 06:41:52     Naber, Daniel     sensor specs update     maintenance_A_freq_days changed from [None] to [365]    
Dec 18 2023 06:41:52     Naber, Daniel     sensor specs update     maintenance_A_text changed from [] to [Compare w/ FastCat 1 year from Cal date.]    
Jan 20 2023 15:15:27     Greto, Carmen     new sensor     Initial submission of sensor metadata.    
Calibration & Maintenance

Frequency Last Completed Next Due
Maintenance A: Compare w/ FastCat 1 year from Cal date.
  365 days
Maintenance B: Compare w/ FastCat 1.5 years from Cal date.
  545 days
Maintenance C: Compare w/ FastCat 2 years from Cal date.
  730 days
  24 months Oct 03 2022 Oct 03 2024
Recommended Replacement
  Oct 01 2024
Calibration Files

Date Version Author Type Document Access
Oct 03 2022        SonTek   cal_file   221003_CC2235009_CAL.pdf
User Guides & Documents

Date Version Author Type Document Access
           datasheet   CTD SonTek CastAway Datasheet

Quantity Value
Owner UAF
Responsible Party UAF Marine Technicians
Purchase Date
Acquire Date Oct 15 2022
Acquire Condition excellent
End/Lost Ownership Date
Vendor Support

Support Type Details
Copyright Notice: All sensor-specific images and documentation on this page are copyright of the vendor.
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