This Calibration was done before the Dever cruise. It was not used but has been saved for documentation sake. The temps. for the pH4 buffer=21.0C, pH7 = 20.1C , pH10 = 18.9C. I was told by SeaBird that the temps. for the buffers should be within 1 degree C from each other. It was difficult to keep a steady temp. while testing in the Baltic Room. The slope and offset seemed close enough to the Seabird calibration done in June, 2018. DN pHfit V 2.2 pH Calibration TimeStamp: 2019-04-14T01:00:27 SBE18/27 pH serial number: 18-1401 t = 294.150000 a = 0.000000 b = 7.566540 c = 4.827840 d = 18.000000 deter = 54.000000 slope = 0.268213 offset = 2.522180 final slope = 4.595522 pHslope = 4.5955 pHoffset = 2.5222 residuals: pH Vout res 4.00 1.720 -0.011 7.00 2.516 0.021 10.00 3.330 -0.011